- Think Inside The Box. Get sorted out, first.
- Get Rid Of The TVs. Create your own world. Not that of some soap.
- Get So Well, Change Is A Breeze. Easy...
- Hang Out With The Best And learn.
- Never, Ever Say Again: 'I Don't Have Time' . You know that. Make choices.
- Pace Is Everything. Let's get going: vamos!
- We Have Choice/s. Every minute of every day. Exercise them.
- Take Fun Seriously.
- See The World Differently.
- Need Less, Worry Less. Simple=beautiful.
- Read And Take Notes. Don't lose wisdom.
- Don't Let Anyone Spoil Your Day. They can't if you don't let them.
- Get Really Good At Something. That's your real security.
- Grab Some Peace And Quiet. To bring out the best in you.
- Decide
- Nurture Your Nature. To be the best version of you.
- Walk The Beach, Stroll The Town, Take In The Desert. Fantastic!
- Nobody Knows Unless You Tell Them. Then they might change.
- Worry Less, Act More. Worry=debilitating. Action=empowering.
- Take The Time: Bake Bread. Meditate.
- R&R. Rest and Relaxation=essential.
- Do What's Necessary. You know exactly what it is.
- Don't Forget. Write it down.
- Just Start. JFDI.
- Stop The Leakage Of Electrons. Electrons are not life.
- Reflect. And learn.
- Think For Yourself. You are your own thought leader.
- Make It A Date. Commit, 100%
- Let Go Of The Baggage. It's simply too heavy.
- Fix It. Stop it bugging you.
- Get Up Early and Write. You'll discover who you really are.
- Go Fishing. Just hang up the sign and go.
- Wake up and Smell The Coffee. You're on...
- Re-focus. What's vital?
- Calculate Dollars Per Hour. Just so that you know.
- Break Some Patterns. They are so yesterday.
- Make The Choice. It's what brilliant people do.
- Moleskine Magic. Notebooks=capture. Capture=power.
- Don't Dare Defer Life. This is now.
- Read The Biog. And learn from him/her.
- Take Action. That's much more than a decision.
- Get Back In The Gym. Get strong.
- Review That Plan. Get focus.
- Do Something Different. Re-vitalise.
- Live That Dream. Sooner. Not later.
- Go Play Ball Against The Back Wall. Think McQueen.
- Re-discover The Challenge of Business.The best battle, ever.
- What If You Knew Exactly What To Do? As you do.
- Take Stock. And re-focus.
- Only You Know. It is tough: but only you can make the decision.
- Thank Them. They've helped considerably. Let them know.
- Get Perspective. Look up.
- Know When To Stop. You're done for the moment.
- Hang On In There. One more step may well be all it needs.
- Get A Library Ticket. Free, instant, inspiration.
- No Complaints. Get on with it.
- Simplify, strip down, reduce to essence. Now you'll know exactly what you have to do.
- You're lucky. Remind yourself of that daily.
- Take A Day Off. Chill, relax, reflect.
- Flip-Side It. What can you learn?
- Stop Doing The Non-Excellent Stuff. You know what it is.
- Time For A Hand-Written Note or Two. Start the first, now.
- Lighten Up. It will be OK.
- Write Six Goals. See here.
- Look At It The Other Way Round. And there's the answer.
- Get Fit. Fit=energy. Energy=get it done.
- Re-read It. You'll get deeper nuances this time.
- Pick A Number; Any Number. Find that on the list. It's the one you need.
- Activity. Solves pretty well anything.
- Enjoy The Weather. Life is Good.
- If Your Heart-and Your Gut-were right. And they are.
- Doubt Is OK. Arrogance is fatal.
- Whatever Happens To You Is Down To You. You lead you.
- Tell Her or Him. Otherwise, how will they know?
- It Continues To Be Tough. And will be so.
- The Long Road. Is always worth it.
- Reflect. And learn.
- Belief, Attention, Strategy. Equals success.
- Energy. Without it, little happens.
- Nobody Said It Was Easy. That's the point.
- Observe. And notice.
- Practise. It's a verb.
- Get Back In The Library. Instant Inspiration.
- Push On Through. One more draft. Two more calls. Get it done.
- Revise The Plan. That's all it needs
- Back To The Path. You know it's right.
- Recognise The Pattern. And break it if limiting.
- Go To An Art Gallery. Fresh thinking instantly.
- M u c k A b o u t. Without fun there is no point.
- Up The Reading. Reading=knowledge=transformation.
- Re-Build The Zones. You. You+partner. You+kids. You+writing.
- Stretch And Wake Up. That's a different kind of you.
- Change Perspective. Change the perspective; change the outcome.
- Rest. To complete the process.
- Re-boot, re-engage and re-focus. Remember what is important to you.
- Thinking Is Not Absolute. Change the thinking; change the outcome.
- Nobody Really Knows Except You. Hence you lead you.
- No Quick Fix. That's the enjoyment.
- Yesterday Is Not Today. History is not 'it' alone.
- The Greatest Journey. Transformation.
- Think Inside The Box. Get sorted out, first.
Bonus: How To Be Brilliant.