It’s often said that everyone has at least one novel in them; I believe everyone has a non-fiction book or two or more in them, as well.
To write one, you need to get a couple of potential blockers out of the way. Firstly money. The majority of authors do not make anywhere near enough to live on. Sure the advance can be nice and the royalties a pleasant surprise when they turn up. But they won’t be enough to give up the day job. Secondly ego. To write a book to ‘impress’ people will block your best work, undoubtedly.
So, why write a non-fiction piece of work? I’d suggest:
It clarifies your thoughts and hence you can offer better value in whatever field you work, especially consulting. Writing requires discipline, logic, clarity and research. These produce better thinking.
It helps build your brand. Your books help define you, your field and what you are about. It will hence lead people to your door.
It’s a nice ‘business card’ to leave a client. Having met a client, leave them your book with your card; it has more impact.
It’s an additional ‘while I am asleep income’. How can you earn money that is not time dependent? A book.
Because it’s there: just like the mountaineer. It’s a fair challenge to take on. Do it-because it is there.
It'll develop new horizons and new networks. Via your publisher you will make great contacts. Radio interviews will get you thinking in 'sound-bites'. All of it will help your personal growth.
Tomorrow we’ll take a look at choosing the topic for your new book.