The story so far.
Allan collected his thoughts to leave a message. Hi; this is Allan. We met when you most probably saved my Life on the M5 about a week ago. Ring me back as soon as you can; you encouraged me to Get a Life: I think I need some help with that. Thank you.
He put the phone down; he felt better for making that call. He sipped some water. His mobile vibrated; he didn't recognise the number and answered it.
Hi Allan. It's Will. Will Power.
Oh, Will. Thanks for ringing. That was prompt.
Well, I'm gald you rang while you are still alive if you will pardon the paradox. So, how can I help?
I need to start living a different Life from the one I have been.
OK. But what have you been living to date?
Something. I'm not sure what. A lie. A life in which I meet expectations, but many of those are wrong, I think. A life in which somehow I ignore those who are and that which is most imprtant to me. A Life in which I get seduced into the most dreadful urgency.
Well, that of course is a clear articulation of how many are living their lives at the moment. Tell me about those expectations..
Well, of stuff which actually doesn't seem that important after all, now.
Ok. Well it seems as if you have been doing a lot of good thinking already. I am sure I can help. What are you doing currently? At work?
Well, actually I am in hospital
Ah. Well, that does focus the mind.
Allan rapidly told his tale to date.
OK. Right. Here's the deal.
Need work/life balance inspiration? Get a Life.