The story so far...
Revolution not Resolution 1: The Blank Canvas
Revolution not Resolution 2: Analysis
Revolution not Resolution 3: Narrative
From wild dreaming and reflection (the blank canvas) to identification of important themes (analysis) to clarification and deepening of understanding (narrative), we are now ready to do our most important part: read very double page spread narrative that you have created and pull out actions that you wish or need to take over the next 12 months.
Look for actions that are under your control:
reduce household expenditure by 15% month rather than win the lotto
Look for actions that are explicit rather than implicit
interview one start up owner per day during January rather than talk to those who have started their own business
Finally create a simply 2 by 2 matrix. On the vertical axis list every explicit action you plan to take. On the horizontal axis detail a 52 week time-line. Plot when you will take each action. Ironically push actions out further. It's tempting to bunch them at the start of the year but task over-load will deter you. Even out the load.
Start today. Do not expect blistering success every day. Expect set-back and anguish. But that's life, growth and how we get really really good: sticking to the path and finding alternative routes.
Saddle up and work the actions.