One idea which is useful to consider and begin to develop is breaking the direct correlation between the hours you work and the money you earn. For the obvious reason, of course, that you are limited by the numbers of hours that you can work assuming that you would like to sleep and play.
So this classic model:
1h=£10/$20/12 euros means 10h=£100/$200/120 euros.
And you are limited by the number of hours available to you and your fatigue levels.
Another possible model:
Charge by your value, not by your time e.g. the solution is $250 dollars whether it took 3h or 20 minutes.
Earn money while you are playing or sleeping e.g. your e-book is down-loaded at regular intervals from amazon.
Work/play are not such a clear distinction. Hence you have more hours available and also high earnings are not always necessary.
Something to consider, anyway.