The story so far:
You know what Extreme Sports are don't you? You may even be a practitioner. Here's a definition from Wikipedia:
"Extreme sport (also called action sport, adventure sport, and adventurous sport) is a media term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger or difficulty and often involving speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts."
But you probably haven't heard of Extreme Productivity or Presenting or Wealth or.... Well, here's your chance:
"The Extreme Portfolio is a selection of Personal Enhancement Skills which allow a good to excellent practitioner of said soft skills e.g. presenting to move to a standard of outstanding or awesome by focusing on the absolute essentials of the skill, by working the high pay-off areas and ignoring some of the standard 'safety' but limiting practices. There is an incredible exhileration in getting it right as the practitioner is often flipped 'into the zone'. There is also a high level of risk if focus is lost or attention to detail is lost"
Extreme Presenting
Rule 1
Present unplugged. No technology. Just you and maybe a white-board or flip-chart.
Rule 2
Decide what action you want from the audience. Buy something? Agree something? Understand something? If there is no action, then send them an e-mail and save everybody's time.
Rule 3
Tell a story which encourages that action. Stories engage, reach deeper into the brain, are memorable and above all make the point rapidly and easily.
Rule 4
Do not leave the room until the action has been agreed.
By the way, Extreme Productivity is here.