1: Send Less E-Mail. Get less e-mail.
2: Tidy Up. Gain clarity.
3: Fewer People in Meetings. Shorter Meetings. Faster, focused and easier.
4: Use A Wall Planner Not Your Phone To Plan. The future, not just today.
5: You KNOW the problem: (1) Wake Up (2) Look Up (3) Get Real
6: Stand Up. Gain determination.
7: You Don't Need To Be Nice. Polite, loyal and on time definitely. But this ain't kindergarten.
8: Put the work in at the start. For an easy life later on.
9: Take A Break. It boosts perspective where the best work is always done.
10: Start at the end. Start with the result you want and work backwards.
11: Work Hard To Maintain The Relationship. Productive business needs trusting relationships.
12: Make Small, Big. And Big, Small. Get perspective/get a plan.
13: Know Your Rhythm. Follow your rhythm rather than just the Siren's call of pure urgency.
14: Re-claim your unique advantage. Stop & Think.
15: Don’t allow Zoom to distract. It’s a tool, that’s all. As with e-mail keep it under control.
16: Be Here Now. Once you have decided, give it 110%
17: Love Mondays. It sets the tone for the week.
18: Write Small, Think Big. Be clear on what you have to do. And make it important.
19: Wrap Up Friday. Close it down, go home.
20: Motoring Monday. Rev it up. Hit the goals.
21: Shorter, Faster, Disciplined vs. Longer, Slower, Flowing. Meetings vs. Strategy
22: Jungle Kit vs. Correct Jungle. No amount of cool gear will help if you are in the wrong place.
How to be Brilliant, the primer.