« The Most Powerful Productivity Tips, 78 |
| On Writing, 91 »
- Stay courteous at all times.
- Arrive on time for meetings.
- Only accept digital interrupts when on your own.
- Explicitly agree the actions at the end of a meeting and/or conversation.
- Never talk negatively about a member of the team: it stops trust and hence a high performance team being formed.
- Stay hydrated.
- Stand a lot.
- Take the stairs for exercise and heart rate boost.
- Shorten meetings and have more gaps in the day to actually think.
- Sort out e-mail once and for all.
- Always be reading a good leadership book.
- Become brilliant at recruiting.
- Don't play last one out the car park at the end of the day games. Do the job. Go home.
- Separate it from home life.
- Be creative by practising the skill.
- Bring your own planned nutritious lunch.
- Become awesome at what you do.
- Keep asking: am I using my brain? Or am I just hitting reply/reply all a lot?
- Reduce the coffee intake.
- Notice if you are getting irritated. It may be the job. Or it may be deep fatigue: switch off fully and get deep sleep.
- Only have 1 list of areas on which to focus.
- When not at work, don't 'do work'.