« Something for the Weekend. |
| On Writing, 87 »
- Know where your money is and where it goes. Exactly.
- Get good, really good at having fun without having to spend money.
- Break the commonest formula that your time elapsed=money you get. This clearly is finite because of the limit to the number of hours you can work and your personal energy reserves. Replace it with the value you offer=money you get. This is potentially infinite as you increase your personal value.
- Stop working longer hours. Get more and more effective (getting the right stuff done) at your job. Beware the siren call of efficiency (simply getting stuff done).
- Stay clearly and obviously skilled. Sometimes the initial route to promotion for more money is a layer of management whose true value becomes difficult to ascertain which is why it is later taken out during a re-org.
- Calculate your wealth. It is not your salary. It is total assets less total liabilities. And that is just your hard wealth.
- But in the end realise much of what we want money for is available for free if we only slowed down: time, friendship, great health, watching a sunset. And that's soft wealth. Priceless, of course.