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- Stories will transform your presentation from a list of bullets to something which engages heart and soul.
- Stories embed values and principles deep in a child's brain. There is far more to Goldilocks and those three bears than porridge.
- Stories help your customers understand what life will be like once they commit to you.
- Stories of the right kind (empowering, resourceful and pragmatic) motivate us to do our very best. Homer knew exactly what he was doing.
- Stories use language not just words; it requires an engaged brain to use a story. And the latter is an increasingly rare commodity on a Zoom/Teams call.
- To write a story, be it a scenario for a product or one for your children requires you to give 100% attention to the task in hand.
- Stories require beginnings and middles and ends.
- A great story is never forgotten.
- Stories need sensory rich descriptions. That requires us to look up and notice life.
- One well-written story is worth a 1000 e-mails.
- To be a great story-teller is to be a magician.