Bate, Nicholas: Love, Life & Legacy
Bate, Nicholas: Bram, A Spy Story
Bate, Nicholas: Meet Molly: Masks, Malevolence and Magic
Bate, Nicholas: Molly and The Isle of Kasta
Bate, Nicholas : Molly and Ben
Nicholas Bate: Do What You Want: The Book That Shows You How to Create a Career You'll Love
Nicholas Bate: You, Only Better: Find Your Strengths, be the Best and Change Your Life.
Nicholas Bate: Being the Best: The A-Z of Personal Success
Nicholas Bate: Instant MBA
Nicholas Bate: Get a Life: Setting Your Life Compass for Success
The Business Skills Collection: Go Home E-Mail Free; Bags of Energy Now; Give Great Presentations; Make Better More Often; Boost Your Productivity
Nicholas Bate: Love Presenting Hate (badly used) Powerpoint
Nicholas Bate: Brilliant at the Basics of Business
Bate Nicholas: How to be Brilliant
Moleskine Meditations - Reflections on the Notebook
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Danger zones.
Always more detail in Being the Best.
Cull that list which directs your time.
You can do anything but you can’t do everything.
Is right here.
Commentary. Music. Food. Outrage. Humour.
Has productivity tools. David specialises in the form.
However brilliant and cool your marketing, most businesses need to sell.
Marketing (creating opportunities) and selling (closing those opportunities) are different.
Here’s a handy free PDF which gives guidance to the latter.