- Refuse back-to-back meetings.
- Reject meetings longer than 45 minutes and/or three people.
- Run the meeting yourself if nobody else is doing it: know the goal, manage the time, capture the actions.
- Dress like you're serious, not as if you are planning to work on your car nor attend a cocktail party. Unless you are, of course. Especially when you are working from home. In fact because you are working from home.
- Don't say 'but'. Think 'and'.
- One pad, one action list. Work it.
- Work hard; play hard. Initially separate the two, but as work becomes less (just) a money earner and more a soul enhancer, merge the two.
- Become so good at some aspects of your work it becomes play.
- Simultaneously, get so good at having and managing real down time you become amazingly creative.
- Break the time=money rule and replace it with value=money through your creativity. The former limits your earnings, the latter allows them to take off exponentially.
- Now you are Motoring at Level 1.
- Build your brilliance at your job.
- Thus build your unique value to your clients.
- Thus build your earnings by earning more in less time.
- Manage your standard of living and cost base so you don't need more money. It's simply one expression (only) of how good you are.
- Take more time off and get out of your cubicle to build your non-fee-earning-creativity i.e. creativity with no purpose at all. Crazy? Not all all....
- Surprisingly this will produce your best stuff because there is no external pressure. You're just messin'.
- Your best stuff will build your value and your personal brand.
- And thus your earnings.
- Now you are Motoring at Level 2
- With your gained time write a non-fiction book. From your heart and gut. Your expertise, your thing. You know you've got it right when no publisher wants to touch it; it's too damn niche for them.
- Get it published even if you have to pay for it yourself with the money you are earning.
- Get the book out there to build your brand.
- Now you are Motoring at Level 3
- And that's a level at which you can work less, think proactively and earn more.