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- Never talk cost, price nor discount. Only value.
- Explain value in terms of how it makes life better, easier or more profitable for the client.
- Always quantify value. E.g. 34 years of collective experience in the industry.
- An objection is simply your next objective to resolve.
- Never leave a conversation without agreeing the next stage.
- Re-vamp your pitches so you talk more about them and less about you.
- Re-vamp your exploratory/cold calls so your objective is not to sell, simply to get a Zoom discussion of 15 minutes.
- Selling and negotiation are different. Sell, then start talking about what they might get in return for some discount.
- Selling and marketing are different. Marketing brings them to you, you then bring in the sale.
- Include training in every sales meeting.
- Ask your salespeople to deliver to forecast. It means they are on top of their work.
- Read Selling Without Tears.
- Read Being the Best.
- Go home on time.