- Don't do e-mail first thing. Work your plan for the day; e-mail supports your plan. It is not the plan.
- Make 45 minutes your unit for meetings. Insist on 15 minutes between meetings. To summarise personal actions, to think and to breathe. Don’t allow Zoom to mess with professionalism.
- Batch information for colleagues into documents and then send in one e-mail rather than many fragmented mails. They'll appreciate fewer interrupts and those that are received are integrated and in an understandable context. Ask that others do the same for you.
- Stand up a lot more. Stay strong.
- Ask people to explain things in narrative format: verbally or in written narrative format not bullets in PowerPoint. The former will force a more helpful deeper understanding. Bullets look rigorous but that is so often an appearance not a reality.
- Be courteous Everybody wants to be valued. It motives us to do more and do it to a higher standard.
- Leave the home bunker on time. Work is so much better when there is something else apart from work. Cook, grab your exercise allowance. Hang out on the back step with a cup of tea.
More help in Being the Best.