- The simpler the food, the more simply cooked, the more delicious the result.
- Age is a mindset.
- Without winter you might ignore the staggering spring.
- Sir Paul has a new album, McCartney III.
- Despite the hyperbole, coffee supplies are secure.
- There are 37 plays by Shakespeare to read. And you only studied two at school.
- You have a route out of any bad mood by dance, music and/or a long, deep sleep.
- You can write more, you can read more, you can grab your walking allowance. You can think to infinity.
- A delay is just a delay.
- You have only released a small % of your true potential.
- What about if you could? Or if you did?
- Love isn't about finding. It's about noticing.
- Lists have no limits.
- Old jeans, an old sweat and a comfortable beanie. Now, get it done. Work-out. Novel. E-mail to zero.
- A new 1 Rep Max is poised. Hang on in there.
- A frest play-list.
- Not needing to understand everything.
- There is always a Plan B.
- Medjool dates, chilled. With strong turkish coffee. Your pen and notebook. Synapses firing.
- Your imagination is only limited by your willingness to grapple with ideas you don't like.
- Facebook needs you more than you need Facebook.
- Beliefs drive behaviours. Behaviours drive results. Beliefs are code. Code is editable.