« Just One Thing, 15 of 101 |
| Just One Thing, 16 of 101 »
- Respond to all business e-mail within 24h. Much of this can be simply be an acknowledgement plus an accurate assessment of when you will respond fully.
- Then respond fully when you said you would.
- Turn up on time.
- In the business meeting, contribute, tell it straight and record your actions.
- And do the actions you said you would do.
- Be loyal to those not present.
- Alternate coffee/tea/soda with a glass of water.
- Don't neglect a quality issue be it a mistake on a PPT slide nor a client who seems to be waiting too long for attention.
- Focus. A 'brand re-fresh' is not needed. What is needed is some focus on the tasks in hand.
- Consider a digital distraction as poison injected into your brain. It is.
- Don't cherry-pick: do the tough, high value stuff. And do it early in the day. Then coffee, cup 3.
- Do go fruit-picking though. Fresh air. Conversation through the mask. And the best of fresh fruit.
- Greet people. Be interested in them. It’s harder in an increasingly exclusively digital world. And so it is even more valuable.
- And not just for your network.
- Recognise your organisation is not perfect. But it's better when you are better.
- Now you are working at home, work out how you are going to do basic body maintenance.
- The gym is optional, but movement is essential.
- Now you are working at home, decide what is the mechanism for going home at a reasonable time and switching off from work.
- Floss. Not so much for the health benefits (which-of course-plenty debate). But to prove you can set up a daily habit.
- Practise observing your moods, rather than being them.
- Regularly review what is important to you.
- Start stuff. Finish stuff. Feel good.