Man is a generalist. No harm in that: he/she is remarkable at adapting and to enhance this process has created a batch of tools which allows him/her to perform to the highest levels. In a Brave New World where planet Earth undergoes several adjustments in the way we act and think, ensure such tools are all easily accessible in your portfolio.
Get the tools to be brilliant in a Brave New World.
19: The Distraction Free Room, the Empty Paper Pad
In a world of distraction, overload and busyness sometimes the essential tool is as close to nothing as possible. Go there and think.
Give it time.
Troubles will be solved.
Bonus: How to Be Brilliant, the protocol.
The Tools so far:
1: The French Press
2: The Play-list
4: The Egg-timer.
9: Home-made Trail Mix
10: Compass.
11: The Wall Planner
12: The T- bar.
13: The Check-list.