Man is a generalist. No harm in that: he/she is remarkable at adapting and to enhance this process has created a batch of tools which allows him/her to perform to the highest levels. In a Brave New World where planet Earth undergoes several adjustments in the way we act and think, ensure such tools are all easily accessible in your portfolio.
8: The 3 by 5 Card
A fresh 3 by 5 card taken from the stack. One side is work. One side is home. Each side is divided in half with a vertical line. On the LHS side are things you need/have to do. E.g. at work return a client's call; at home buy some pasta. On the RHS are things you don't have to do but you will do because they will make your future life easier by reducing the things you have to do on the LHS. E.g. at work proactive account maintenance and a strategic off-site; at home a long walk with your teenage daughter with no 'agenda' but just some decent 'connect' time.
Get the tools to be brilliant in a Brave New World.
Bonus: How to Be Brilliant, the protocol.
The Tools so far:
1: The French Press
2: The Play-list
4: The Egg-timer.