In a post-Covid world, maybe the time has come to go out on your own. Keep it simple initially: just you, no start-up capital and a desire to be beholden to nobody. Except you, of course.
Rule 3: Don’t Force ‘Your Brand’; Let It Grow
Don’t waste time and energy ‘building’ a brand. You do not need logos, Pantone colour decisions or a style book. Use that money to pay you to delight the customer. Do not create deep PPT decks ‘explaining’ yourself to the client. Your business is simple. Just wow the customer.
You need to find, serve and consistently please your chosen customers. Be brilliant. Word of mouth will do the rest and organically create a wonderful brand. Which maybe-just maybe-in a year or two will be worth articulating. As now it will be real.
- Selling without Tears, free PDF.
- Instant MBA, Amazon.
- The Rules of Life, free PDF
- Be Bold, Amazon.
- JFDI, free book. Choose your version LHS of blog.
- Brilliant at the Basics of Business, Amazon.
- 22 Things They Don’t Teach at Business School, free
Plus of course: