Man is a generalist. No harm in that: he/she is remarkable at adapting and to enhance this process has created a batch of tools which allows him/her to perform to the highest levels. In a Brave New World where planet Earth undergoes several adjustments in the way we act and think, ensure such tools are all easily accessible in your portfolio.
4: The Egg-timer.
It’s analog, it’s aesthetically pleasing and it gets you focused. Get one with a running time of about 45 minutes. As you commence work, invert the timer. Work and occasionally look up and observe the running sand. Only change mode-different task, cup of tea, short walk, check mail-once the sand has run through. Just you, the task and your running mate, the flow of sand. Find focus and zen-like concentration.
Get the tools to be brilliant in a Brave New World.
Bonus: How to Be Brilliant, the protocol.
The Tools so far:
1: The French Press
2: The Play-list
3: The Notebook & pen.