Stage 1: you will be angry and it is unfair. Move through this stage as quickly as possible. Vent the anger and frustration. Smash a ball against a wall. Choose the right play-lists. Run. Write pen on paper until you can write no more.
Stage 2: you now have something precious: time on your hands. Of course it’s scary as cash-flow may be zero to negligible. But use that time. Stay well: MEDS (meditation-exercise-diet-sleep. More here).
Stage 3: get a job. Yes you need money but more importantly, you need purpose. It’s our greatest motivator: everybody needs to feel they have a place on the planet. Get a job and don’t be fussy. You can be fussy later.
Stage 4: as some sectors collapse and/or shrink, others expand. Seek the latter. Be polite and persistent and get that interview. At the interview be polite and enthusiastic. Get the job.
Stgae 5: do the job. Sure you are now only filling shelves whereas once you used to be Intergalatic Sales Director, but do the job you have and do it brilliantly.
Stage 6: relish rhythm and purpose. And some cash. And once again you are managing your destiny. You are not your job title, you are your contribution.
Stage 7: let your anger go and the universe will guide you. Opportunities will arise. There are still beaches to walk, forests to explore and classics to read.