51. Don't let anyone spoil your day.
52. The things your airline is not telling you about your delayed flight you can google. There is no hiding on the internet.
53. Bake your own bread. It is not cheaper than from the shop. But it tastes so much better and is far cheaper than therapy.
55. Learn to skip. Then skip 50 morning, noon and night.
56. Become addicted to walking.
57. Check in with your Personal Compass. 'Stretch each point'...
58. Point 1/Career/How will you beat the robot?
59. Point 2/Wellness/What's your movement strategy?
60. Point 3/Personal Finance/Re-focus on quality of life. Care with the seduction of standard of living.
A handy primer: You, Only Better is here.
1 to 10 are here.
11 to 15 are here.
16-20 are here.
21-25 are here.
26-30 are here
31-35, here
36-50 here