71. Visit the library. Be amazed at what your taxes provide.
72. Write a real letter. The recipient will be delighted.
73. Clean your shoes. Budget therapy.
74. Re-boot that project. Remember try, try and try again?
75. Write a list: things to let go of in 2020.
76. Listen to less news and get out more. You'll feel remarkably better.
77. Accept and make only 45 minute meetings. You need time to think and collate between such sessions.
78. Alternate any caffeinated drink with a drink of just pure water.
79. Write a novel. Not for the best-seller lists but for fun.
80. Write a list: things for which I am grateful, today.
A handy primer: You, Only Better is here.
1 to 10 are here.
11 to 15 are here.
16-20 are here.
21-25 are here.
26-30 are here
31-35, here
36-50 here
51-60 here
61-70 here