Is not something which is 'rolled out'; it is the sum of the behaviours demonstrated all day, any day throughout the organisation.
B@BofBiz Two first impressions
B@BofBiz Three: make price the smallest issue
B@BofBiz Four: your brand reality
B@BofBiz Five: success can destroy you
B@BofBiz Six if you are serious, then 0825 not 0832
B@BofBiz Seven forget 'closing' techniques
B@BofBiz Eight your business isn't special
B@Bof Biz Ten PPT slides: are they real?
B@Bof Biz Eleven Stop wishing, start selling
B@BofBiz Twelve Don't Walk By
B@BofBiz Thirteen Are you excited about your business?
B@BofBiz Fourteen Quarter to quarter: no limping.
B@BofBiz: Fifteen Agility
B@BofBiz; Sixteen No 'about'
B@BofBiz: Seventeen Train Your People.
B@BofBiz: Eighteen Planning is good. But it isn't reality.
B@BofBiz: Nineteen Everybody Sells
B@BofBiz Twenty Simply Be Better
B@BofBiz Twenty One Watch The Numbers
B@BofBiz Twenty Two Price To Sleep Well
B@BofBiz Twenty Three Now. Only now. Have that coffee.
B@BofBiz Twenty Four Some are just messers. Let them go.
B@BofBiz Twenty Five Don't Wait for luck
B@BofBiz Twenty Six Is The Customer Always Right?
B@BofBiz: Twenty Seven What's with the rivalry, huh?
B@BofBiz: Twenty Eight Do Not Set Price Quickly
B@BofBiz: Twenty Nine Know Where You Make Your Money
B@BofBiz: Thirty Keep it Lean, Mean and Frugal
B@BofBiz: Thirty One: Get Closer
B@BofBIz: Thirty Two: Stay Alert
B@BofBiz: Thirty Three: Get skilful
B@BofBiz: Thirty Four: What would you do differently?
B@BofBiz: Thirty Five: What are you reading?
B@BofBiz: Thirty Six: Plan-Do-Review
B@BofBiz: ThirtySeven: Not Just KPIs
B@BofBiz: ThirtyEight: Not Just Job Title
B@BofBiz: ThirtyNine: Don't Love Every Customer
B@BofBiz: Forty: Respect the Relationship
B@BofBiz: FortyOne: Get to the Airport Early
B@BofBiz: FortyTwo: Write Better Notes.
B@BofBiz: FortyThree: Pure Gold for Performance Improvement.
B@BofBiz: FortyFour: Get On With It
B@BofBiz: FortyFive: Have A Plan
B@BofBiz: FortySix: Make it Easy
B@BofBiz: FortySeven: Give it a Go
B@BofBiz: FortyEight: Don't Mess About
B@BofBiz: FortyNine: Ask
B@BofBiz: Fifty: SWOT
B@BofBiz: FiftyOne: Delegation
B@BofBiz: FiftyTwo: Systems
B@BofBiz: FiftyThree: Challenges
B@BofBiz: FiftyFour: Leap don't Copy
B@BofBiz: FiftyFive: Review any time.
B@BofBiz: FiftySix: Expenses
B@BofBiz:FiftySeven: the Annual Conference
B@BofBiz:FiftyEight: It's Not About Time
B@BofBiz: FiftyNine: Communicate
B@BofBiz: Sixty: Career Path
B@BofBiz: SixtyOne: Check the Waste
B@BofBiz: SixtyTwo: The Offering
B@BofBiz: SixtyThree: Hit The Numbers
B@BofBiz: SixtyFour: Quality must be a given
B@BofBiz: SixtyFive: Sell First; Then Negotiate.
B@BofBiz: SixtySix: What's The True Story?