Did Paul break up The Beatles? Like any true High Performance Team they had common purpose (music, money, fame...) and they needed each other to achieve that purpose (the sum of the parts etc). But clearly as individuals they were different. Paul: logically optimistic. John: logically pessimistic. George: intuitively spiritual. Ringo: grounded and common sensical. And importantly the band energised Paul. But with the other three, once a threshold had been met, it drained them. Sure Paul could get exhausted, but he'd recover quickly (notice his stamina in current live performance on cross continent tours with sets four/five times the length of the original Beatles performances). The others increasingly found live work and demands on their time draining; after all they had money and fame and were pursuing other artistic interests. No, it was Paul who saw the power, worth and sheer purpose of the band. We can thank him for certainly one or two more albums than we might have got and at least one rooftop performance. No, Paul didn't breakup The Beatles. The Beatles broke up The Beatles. All Paul did was as he ever did: be the one who got organised and made it final. All We Are Saying Is Give Paul A Chance.
That’s another reason we love The Beatles.
The Back-Story
Reason 1: Story-tellers; 2: Sgt. Pepper; 3: Eternally optimistic; 4: Still cool; 5: George Harrison.; 6: Love Me Do
7: Work Ethic ;8: Synchronicity; 9: The Roof-top Concert; 10: Candlestick Park; 11: Lennon & McCartney
12: I Saw Her Standing There; 13: Liverpool; 14: Black & White; 15: Album Covers; 16: John Lennon
17: Lennon & McCartney; 18: Rock 'n Roll; 19: They Never Made it Easy; 20: Ringo
21: Meditation & Massage; 22: The Back of a Commer Van; 23: George Martin.
24: Simply Different
25: A Time to Think
26: Revolver
27: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
28: The B Side
29: The Philosophy
30: December 1960: A Turning Point
31: What really, really motivated The Beatles?
32: 1961
33: Their last rock 'n roller.
34: From road to studio
35: The Magnum Opus
36: Mr Brian Epstein
37: Just Ordinary Lads
38: 1962
39: Yesterday
40: The Encouragers
41: 1963
42: Peace & Love
43: Abbey Road 1
44: Abbey Road 2
45: Always Cool