Man is a generalist. No harm in that: he/she is remarkably adept at adapting and to enhance this process has created a batch of tools which allows him/her to perform to the highest levels.
When push comes to shove, what are the essential Tools of Excellence?
17: The Vegetable Steamer
Few vegetables can survive full-on boiling. But a few minutes of steam warms them through, removes any toughness whilst preserving essential vitamins. In a world of confusing nutritional information, experts do seem to consistently agree 'vegetables and plenty of them and across the colour spectrum are good for you'. This is the excellent route.
The Excellence Kit-Bag so far:
7: Trail-Mix
10: The Compass
11: The Wall Planner
12: Two Short, Intersecting Lines.
15: The Flight Deck
Bonus: How To be Brilliant.