Man is a generalist. No harm in that: he/she is remarkably adept at adapting and to enhance this process has created a batch of tools which allows him/her to perform to the highest levels.
What are the essential Tools of Excellence?
5: The Stop Watch (on your phone, of course).
It's time to get some work done. It's time to stop a bit of this and a bit of that. It's time to stop procrastinating. Gather what's needed, pull together the papers, bring up the necessary screens, push all else away. Set the countdown on your phone for 90 minutes and press start. And then work. Work hard. Really work hard at it. Occasionally glance at the clock. 55 minutes to go. Keep the pace up. 37 minutes to go. No flagging. 3 minutes to go. Come on a lot can still be done.
Time's up.
Take a break: get up, stretch, knock back some glugs of water. Go to the window, look out as far as you can and ask: what's really, really important now? Re-focus, get grounded.
And do another 90 minute sprint.
You're getting so much done. The right things. Excellence in action.
The Excellence Kit-Bag so far:
Bonus: How To be Brilliant.