They were just ordinary lads! How come they become a couple of geniuses? Lennon and McCartney: (1) had a deep passion for music and Life; (2) wanted to be best in their field; (3) had talent which could be developed once the hours were put in; (4) wanted to lead not follow; (5) enjoyed being different; (6) experimented with everything from drugs to multi-track machines to full orchestras to meditating; (7) had encouragers such as Epstein and Martin; (8) were needed by a post-war Britain to bring hope; (9) rode a wave of social unrest; (10) enjoyed breaking the rules of popular music; (11) didn't care about what others thought; (12) re-invented the studio as laboratory; (12) became directors of their art from lyric to album cover; (13) understood language as more than just words; (14) created a high performance team; (15) did the ground work in Hamburg and empty gigs in Southampton. But above all else: most clearly, magically and serendipitously: they had each other. That's why.
That’s another reason we love The Beatles.
The Back-Story
Reason 1: Story-tellers; 2: Sgt. Pepper; 3: Eternally optimistic; 4: Still cool; 5: George Harrison.; 6: Love Me Do
7: Work Ethic ;8: Synchronicity; 9: The Roof-top Concert; 10: Candlestick Park; 11: Lennon & McCartney
12: I Saw Her Standing There; 13: Liverpool; 14: Black & White; 15: Album Covers; 16: John Lennon
17: Lennon & McCartney; 18: Rock 'n Roll; 19: They Never Made it Easy; 20: Ringo
21: Meditation & Massage; 22: The Back of a Commer Van; 23: George Martin.
24: Simply Different
25: A Time to Think
26: Revolver
27: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
28: The B Side
29: The Philosophy
30: December 1960: A Turning Point
31: What really, really motivated The Beatles?
32: 1961
33: Their last rock 'n roller.
34: From road to studio
35: The Magnum Opus
36: Mr Brian Epstein