Be professional. Speak for exactly the time requested of you. Or as you promised on your agenda. But how? Of course by rehearsal. By courteously managing questions. But most crucially having 'bonus' material you can add and 'added detail' you can drop. Just don't tell the audience; just finish perfectly, magically on time.
Fast-track your progress with the book.
Be Bold with the book.
Awesome Presenting 1: It starts with why.
Awesome Presenting 2: Don't blame PowerPoint
Awesome Presenting 3: Be Clear on the Goal
Awesome presenting 4: Think Movie
Awesome presenting 5: More Stories
Awesome Presenting 6: Brilliant at the Basics
Awesome Presenting 7: Beginning-Middle-Action
Awesome Presenting 8: More Spikes
Awesome Presenting 9: Rehearse
Awesome Presenting 10: Add Value
Awesome Presenting 11: Don't 'mash'
Awesome Presenting 12: Get There Early
Awesome Presenting 13: Be Different
Awesome Presenting 14: Review, Learn and Improve.
Awesome Presenting 15: Not a script, a storyboard.
Awesome Presenting 16: Never Fear a Presentation Again.
Awesome Presenting 17: Build Pace into your Presentation
Awesome Presenting 18: Think Rock-Star Good
Awesome Presenting 19: Don't Leave it all to the Organisers.