- Spend more time in nature; it works at a far better pace than twitter. It works s l o w l y.
- Sleep deep and long; then there is no craving for a rest/a coffee/ a 'next thing'. The mind/body can 'be here'.
- Create a simple screen to your phone which says 'now'. A reminder to be here now.
- Work on a slow project: a plot of vegetables, a big piece of art, some poetry...
- Adopt Hunter Gatherer 21C practices.
- Specifically engage all five senses each and every day.
- Spend time wherever possible without watch, without phone and start noting your own time, not that of a machine.
Things Which Help When You Are Stuck
Running 7; Meetings 7; Strategic Marketing 7; Leadership 7
Wellness 7; Coffee 7; Creativity 7; Confidence 7; Presenting 7;
Fast, Wholesome Cookery 7; Fitness 7; Productivity 7
Sales 7; Negotiation 7; E-Mail 7; Making a Decision 7
Writing 7; Career 7; Simple Meditation 7
Mindset 7; International Travel 7; Fitness on the Road 7
Parenting 7; Reading 7 ; Food Shopping 7
Brainstorming 7; Fitness at the Office 7
Strategic Planning 7; The Job Hunt 7; English Weather 7
Project Management 7; Personal Effectiveness 7
Re-Boot 7; Personal Resilience 7; Back to Work 7
Faster Reading with no Loss of Comprehension 7
Autumn 7; Saturday 7; Better Writing 7