Yeah, yeah, yeah. How was it done? How do you produce the biggest–selling Beatles UK single of all time? A single unique in its boldness but absolutely a piece of pop for the people.
Start with difference: written in the third person when it was more usual to use the first or second. Capture in the song-writing (done across beds in a Newcastle hotel room according to Sir Paul) the personalities: Lennon’s cynicism vs. McCartney’s optimism. Blend in the tightest band ever: Ringo’s opening drums, George’s Rickenbacker. Encourage the gentle controversy of ‘sloppy English’ in the use of yeah! Jump straight into the chorus. Add the hooks; yeah, yeah, yeah. And ooos. Evolve it consistently to make it tighter and tighter. More and more infectious. You just have to sing along. When live, add the signalling body language of shaking mop-tops. Wrap it all up in 2 min 17 seconds. Project manage it from concept to studio in five days.
She Loves You.
Play it now.
Sing along.
You'll feel a whole lot better.
That’s another reason we love The Beatles.
Reason 1: Story-tellers; 2: Sgt. Pepper; 3: Eternally optimistic; 4: Still cool; 5: George Harrison.; 6: Love Me Do
7: Work Ethic ;8: Synchronicity; 9: The Roof-top Concert; 10: Candlestick Park; 11: Lennon & McCartney
12: I Saw Her Standing There; 13: Liverpool; 14: Black & White; 15: Album Covers; 16: John Lennon
17: Lennon & McCartney; 18: Rock 'n Roll; 19: They Never Made it Easy; 20: Ringo
21: Meditation & Massage; 22: The Back of a Commer Van; 23: George Martin.
24: Simply Different
25: A Time to Think
26: Revolver