- Politicians come and they definitely go.
- The simpler the food, the more simply cooked, the more delicious the result.
- Age is a mindset.
- Without winter you might ignore the Staggering Spring.
- Despite the hyperbole, coffee supplies are secure.
- There are 37 plays by Shakespeare to read. And you only studied two at school.
- You have a route out of any bad mood by dance, music and/or a long, deep sleep.
- You can write more, you can read more, you can run more. Any time you like.
- A bad cold is simply serious healing.
- You have only released 22.7% of your true potential.
- What about if you could? Or if you did?
- Love isn't about finding. It's about noticing.
- Lists have no limits.
- Old jeans, an old sweat and a comfortable beanie.
- A new 1 Rep Max is poised. Hang on in there.
- Sun-rise on a deserted beach, a person you love so, so deeply: head on shoulder, kindling wood gently burning keeping the chill air at a distance. Clouds racing, fishing boats returning. Silence but waves. Not a cable in sight.
- Not needing to understand everything.
- There is always a Plan B.
- Medjool dates, chilled. With strong turkish coffee. Your pen and notebook.
- Your imagination is only limited by your willingness to grapple with ideas you don't like.
- Facebook needs you more than you need Facebook.
- Beliefs drive behaviours. Behaviours drive results. Beliefs are code. Code is editable.
Bonus 1: Hunter-Gatherer 21 Century, Two Score & Ten; Bonus 2: 22 Things to do on Planet Earth; Bonus 3: 22 Ways to Feel Better, More of the Time.
Bonus 4: 22 Things They Still Don't Teach You at Business School; Bonus 5: 22 Stupid Things Large Organisations Do; Bonus 6: Slow 22
Bonus 7: 22 Reasons Your 2017 is Going To Be Awesome; Bonus 8: The Fundamental Problems with Powerpoint. Still. 22
Bonus 9: 22 Ways to be an Awesome Conference Speaker; Bonus 10: Love Presenting Hate (Badly Used) PowerPoint
Bonus 11: The 22 Fundamental Errors Large Organisations Still Make; Bonus 12: Brilliant at the Basics of Business; Bonus 13: Routes to Less Stress 22
Bonus 14: That Other F Word; Bonus 15: What's Wrong with The Typical Corporate Selling Machine,
Bonus 16: 22 Reasons 79% of any Workforce is Woefully Unproductive; Bonus 17: 22 Ways To Create a Small, Simple, Start-Up.
Bonus 18: 22 Ways to Get Better at Anything; Bonus 19: 22 Routes to Becoming Unstoppable.; Bonus 20: Re-boot 22
Bonus 21: 22 Ways to Better Results at the Gym; Bonus 22: 11 Ways to Fix that Presentation; Bonus 23: 22 Things to do on Vacation
Bonus 24: 11 Things to do in September; Bonus 25: 22 Things to do at Work; Bonus 26: 22 Ways to Reduce Stress; Bonus 27: 22 Things to Learn
Bonus 28: 22 Pretty Straightforward Productivity Boosters; Bonus 29: The 22 Steps to Getting What You Want in 2017
Bonus 30: The 22 Reasons Earth wins 'best planet ever, anywhere' award 2016; Bonus 31: The Less of Eleven
Bonus 32: 11 Ways Any Company Can Really Impress The (Potential) Customer; Bonus 33: 22 Ways To Build Your personal Brand
Bonus 34: 11 Things To Write in your New Moleskine Notebook; Bonus 35: 11 Ways to Better Quality Sleep; Bonus 36: 11 Ways to get a Fresh Idea
Bonus 37: 22 High Value (but just 10 minute) activities; Bonus 38: 11 Helpful Contrasts; Bonus 39: 22 Essentials for Thriving in the 21C Urban Jungle.
Bonus 40: 22 Healing Activities in A World of the Electron
Bonus 41: 22 Words; Bonus 42: 11 Reasons for Stories; Bonus 43: 22 Things Which Help You When You Are Down
Bonus 44: Hunter-Gatherer 21C, A Day in The Life
Bonus 45: 22 Reasons to Run
Bonus 46: 11 Decisions for a World of Craziness.
Bonus 47: 11 Simple Routes to Excellence
Bonus 48: 11 To Hunt & Gather