No 'about'.
Exactly what is the margin on that product? Exactly the product mix in that sector? Exactly the impact of the heavy discounting to hit revenue targets?
'About' businesses go bust. About when their money runs out.
B@BofBiz Two first impressions
B@BofBiz Three: make price the smallest issue
B@BofBiz Four: your brand reality
B@BofBiz Five: success can destroy you
B@BofBiz Six if you are serious, then 0825 not 0832
B@BofBiz Seven forget 'closing' techniques
B@BofBiz Eight your business isn't special
B@Bof Biz Ten PPT slides: are they real?
B@Bof Biz Eleven Stop wishing, start selling
B@BofBiz Twelve Don't Walk By
B@BofBiz Thirteen Are you excited about your business?
B@BofBiz Fourteen Quarter to quarter: no limping.
B@BofBiz: Fifteen Agility