Absolute certainty for a business is difficult to achieve. The definitive long-term plan an impossibility. But agility, now that's within a firm's grasp. What a differentiator.
B@BofBiz Two first impressions
B@BofBiz Three: make price the smallest issue
B@BofBiz Four: your brand reality
B@BofBiz Five: success can destroy you
B@BofBiz Six if you are serious, then 0825 not 0832
B@BofBiz Seven forget 'closing' techniques
B@BofBiz Eight your business isn't special
B@Bof Biz Ten PPT slides: are they real?
B@Bof Biz Eleven Stop wishing, start selling
B@BofBiz Twelve Don't Walk By
B@BofBiz Thirteen Are you excited about your business?
B@BofBiz Fourteen Quarter to quarter: no limping.