- Always have a plan;
- But understand that the reason for a plan is it allows more flexibility in a world of surprises.
- Always know your true priorities, work and home. NOT (necessarily) what is most urgent nor most easy.
- Ensure work is aligned to those priorities.
- To execute 4, get comfortable with a polite 'no'.
- Your brain is your greatest asset: look after it. Many current working practices reduce the brain to 'auto-cue'
- Your brain is part of your mind/body holistic system. Look after your body. Much office life neglects the body's hunter-gatherer needs.
Running 7; Meetings 7; Strategic Marketing 7; Leadership 7
Wellness 7; Coffee 7; Creativity 7; Confidence 7; Presenting 7;
Fast, Wholesome Cookery 7; Fitness 7; Productivity 7
Sales 7; Negotiation 7; E-Mail 7; Making a Decision 7
Writing 7; Career 7; Simple Meditation 7
Mindset 7; International Travel 7; Fitness on the Road 7
Parenting 7; Reading 7 ; Food Shopping 7
Brainstorming 7; Fitness at the Office 7
Strategic Planning 7; The Job Hunt 7; English Weather 7
Extra Bonus: Get a Life, The Protocol