- Resilience: to be able to cope, manage, survive and even thrive in uncertain times.
- Keep a journal of what is going well. Record the smallest of wins. Daily. Read all of it regularly.
- Set simple step-change goals to 'toughen-up'. E.g. over 4 weeks sugar added to coffee can be reduced.
- Get feed-back on what you need to do to be more effective. Take no comment personally, simply look for the themes across several people and act upon them. Themes will identify areas which need addressing and avoid personal prejudices.
- See Fitness 7, Productivity 7 and Meditation 7 below. Resilience is a mind-body combo.
- Read about those you admire particularly for their grit.
- Start small today. But start.
Running 7; Meetings 7; Strategic Marketing 7; Leadership 7
Wellness 7; Coffee 7; Creativity 7; Confidence 7; Presenting 7;
Fast, Wholesome Cookery 7; Fitness 7; Productivity 7
Sales 7; Negotiation 7; E-Mail 7; Making a Decision 7
Writing 7; Career 7; Simple Meditation 7
Mindset 7; International Travel 7; Fitness on the Road 7
Parenting 7; Reading 7 ; Food Shopping 7
Brainstorming 7; Fitness at the Office 7