- Schedule it: it won't happen otherwise.
- Once a quarter: a hard-working 4h morning off-site.
- 4h: 2h storming, 1h decisions, 1 actions.
- Ask: what do we need to anticipate/do better/differently?
- Don't copy the competition. Learn from them, then leap them.
- In the simplest of terms you can get big or you can get special. Very, very few can do the former.
- So ensure you have an answer to: how are we unique?
Basics: Running 7; Meetings 7; Strategic Marketing 7; Leadership 7
Basics: Wellness 7; Coffee 7; Creativity 7; Confidence 7; Presenting 7;
Basics: Fast, Wholesome Cookery 7; Fitness 7; Productivity 7
Basics: Sales 7; Negotiation 7; E-Mail 7; Making a Decision 7
Basics: Writing 7; Career 7; Simple Meditation 7
Basics: Mindset 7; International Travel 7; Fitness on the Road 7
Basics: Parenting 7; Reading 7 ; Food Shopping 7
Basics: Brainstorming 7
Basics: Fitness at the Office 7
Extra Bonus: Instant MBA, the seminar.