Because they put the work in. The thing is: overnight success takes years. They wanted to be 'toppermost of the poppermost'. Paul was effectively in the business from age 15, John not much older. They did the church halls and fetes. The local clubs. Hamburg on never-ending shifts, kept awake with 'uppers'. Long drives in vans to London for a signing rejection. Scathing reviews when they changed their style. And the most damning of abuse when they dared to move on and split up. But in the end they always took us to new places musically and consistently delivered. As Sir Paul has said recently: 'The Beatles were a great little band'.
Yes: they surely put the work in.
A reason we love the Beatles.
Reason 1: Story-tellers
Reason 2: Sgt. Pepper
Reason 3: Eternally optimistic
Reason 4: Still cool
Reason 5: George Harrison.
Reason 6: Love Me Do