There exists a miss-match and it grows daily: this dilemma is at the heart of our sustainable wellbeing, potential and happiness.
We have an astonishingly versatile, powerful and creative mind/body that thrives in a particular environment: one which allows movement and mobility, one which encourages perspective and horizon and provides natural stimulation and one which promotes creativity and growth. However, we increasingly live and work in environments which are distinctly hostile to us being the best versions of ourselves: environments which are sedentary, artificial, repetitive, screen-based, stressful and lacking in nourishment from tribe, sunlight, wildness, wisdom and the simplest of wholesome foodstuffs.
Such a divergence has long been recognised as a cause of many of our ailments from chronic deep fatigue to obesity. But increasingly it is for many, fundamentally damaging to their and their children’s enjoyment of life.
Managing this miss-match has been central to my teaching and writing for the last twenty years: being the best version of ourselves. For the last five I have been using the term ‘Hunter-Gatherer 21C’ to encapsulate what I feel can be the only sustainable solution to this predicament: to remove the gap and to return to our roots but in the context of the 21st Century. We have a hunter-gatherer mind/body but a society which increasingly only needs a robot.
Is the proposal to return to our scavenging days? To drop out and let go of our all-intrusive technology? To become 100% vegan and wear fully flat shoes? Absolutely not (unless you wish to of course): it is possible to enjoy all of the benefits that our current society provides with some subtle practical and philosophical shifts. But shifts there must be.
On Saturday 26th August 2017, 1000-1600 I'll be running my 1-day seminar Hunter-Gatherer 21C in Oxford, UK.
This day is concerned with returning your mind/body to its very best state: resourceful, creative, optimistic, powerful and at peak wellness. A mind/body which is so sufficiently wild yet attuned that it thrives in an increasingly uncertain and at times hostile urban jungle.
If you think you might like to attend this seminar at a beautiful location in which to take some personal investment time drop me a mail and I'll send you fuller details and how to reserve a place.
Contact Me