Previously on Totally, Totally, Global Inc. Sales are down. Morale is low. Strategy has been neglected. Jo has a breakthrough and develops a saga. Searching for Mission HQ. Trying to pitch to 'the man'. The man says 'do it!' Recruiting the team. Readying Mission HQ. Kick off.
The introductions had gone well. The team was working well. It was brainstorm 1.
Mary had agreed to facilitate at the whiteboard for the first 10 minutes,
Hemel kicked off. I agree with Jon that we stay within the field of productivity. Our reputation used to be second to none. But cheap and free apps have eroded our share. Our app is expensive and weak. We could improve that.
Mary: we could: but I guess well is 'improve' enough for a breakthrough?
Vip: breakthrough can sometimes just 'be brilliant'.
Jo: sure, so what makes it brilliant?
Hemel: surely the hassle for everyone is too much to do and managing 'all the stuff'
Mary : it is but there's no shortage of list management... I know, I keep down-loading them: all they do is fragment my productivity and sometimes it's hard to see the wood for the trees and don't start me on personal stuff such as keeping fit, buying my first apartment.....
Kathy: so is it about helping people with the big picture?
Henri: so like goal setting?
Mary: again, I'm not sure. there's so much stuff out there on that.
Tim: so it's about 'wood for the trees'... it's about step-change.... not goals, not lists.... they've all been done... could we focus on that for a while... help people get perspective?
Jo: that's a useful word for me. Perspective.... it helps reduce stress too... with perspective you'd have good work-life balance...
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BONUS: You, Only Better