Way back in 2008 and this blog was still finding its way, I wrote a series Why We Love The Beatles. As with much on this blog it was me exploring my own thinking. On a recent car journey listening to news filled with evil, destruction and eternal analysis, a switch to a Beatles play-list brought calm and hope and possibility. And maybe that's it.
I thought I'd re-run the series with updates and fresh reflections.
Because those guys knew how to tell a story and we all love a good story. They told a story at two levels; firstly via their songs, starting with the simplest expressions of romance in Love Me Do through entire cultural summaries in Penny Lane, alternate realities in I Am The Walrus and back to the essential simplicities of Let it Be and Across the Universe. Every one a cracking good story.
And secondly, their own lives made and makes a story we cannot fail to enjoy. Of Northern English towns. Of four lads 'done good'. Of changing pop music for ever. Of re-invention on a mind-boggling scale.
That's one reason we love The Beatles.