Previously on Totally, Totally, Global Inc. Sales are down. Morale is low. Strategy has been neglected. Jo has a breakthrough and develops a saga. Jo finds the first person to join his elite team. The 3 point plan. The Saga begins. Jo recruits Hemel. The plan unfolds. The first team meeting. Jo recruits Mary. Searching for Mission HQ. Finding the perfect spot. Trying to pitch to 'the man'.
Jo clutched his note-book under his arm and walked the two drinks to the lift and seconds later approached Penny’s desk.
Ok for me to go in?
Of course: I said you were delivering the coffees and Tim said he can give you 5. Let me get the door for you.
Tim’s office was the standard specification for any CEO: spacious, comfortable and with the best of views. Sadly as for most CEOs there was little time to enjoy any of it.
Jo looked across at Tim. Morning Tim: at your desk or....?
Tim stood up and said: no let’s sit over here for the few minutes we have....
They moved to a low table separating opposing sofas.
Tim: good to see you Jo. How can I help?
Jo: Tim, I think sometimes in the past I have not been bold enough…actually let me correct that…I know I have not been bold enough….but this time I will. We can no longer continue this round of 'me too' product development and deal making. You and I both know there is little that looks at all encouraging in the plans. All departments are in head-count freeze and money saving mode. Recruiting the best is hard to do when we are not the best. I want to lead a team to turn this around in 12 months. Seven people to manage all the disciplines. Off site in a locked down secure location. To develop a ‘leap-frog’ product in our core discipline of productivity. I have found the site. I have three of the team members. I have the story for the board.
Jo stopped talking. According to his phone sitting in front of him he had taken take 2 minutes and 40 seconds so far.
He stopped. I’ve said my piece.
Tim sipped the froth from the top of his latte and looked at Jo.
Do it.
Assume you have 100% backing from me. How much is the off-site?
Jo explained
Do it.
When is it available?
Now. I want to be up and running on Monday.
Tim: do it. I’ll visit you a week on Monday. If I don’t see what I like, if I don’t see progress, I’ll shut it down.
But do it. Great thinking. Well done.
End of time. Get penny to pencil in 0700-1000 next Monday and give her the address.
He stood and shook Tim’s hand and then returned to his phone.
Jo collected his own device.
This was a CEO who could act the part but was tired. Jo could see that. But equally Jo had got what he wanted.
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