30: Look after the customers you have.
Small Win 1: Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Small Win 2: Read four pages of a classic novel every day.
Small Win 3: Have a Day of Rest.
Small Win 4: Keep your key personal goals visible. To you. Always.
Small Win 5: Accept graciously when the universe out-manoeuvres you.
Small Win 6: Make every other beverage a drink of water, pure and simple.
Small Win 7: Take a moment to walk barefoot on planet earth, every day. Yes, even when it's chilly.
Small Win 8: Thank your barista, tip generously and wish them a lovely break.
Small Win 9: Par-cook the potatoes today for more effective roasting, tomorrow.
Small Win 10: Write with real paper and pen and post thank-you notes to the grand-parents.
Small Win 11: No more cake until February. Seriously.
Small Win 12: Take it one day at a time.
Small Win 13: Re-boot a New Year's Resolution today. It's the doing not the date that is critical.
Small Win 14: Have some fun. But don't spend any money.
Small Win 15: Eat a portion of green vegetables every day. Rain or shine.
Small Win 16: Find a piece of real, relevant news today.
Small Win 17: Don't read about the weather. Go experience it.
Small Win 18: Be on time. Every time.
Small Win 19: Enjoy More Analog, Less Digital Saturday
Small Win 20: Wash by hand your wool walking socks while listening to Bowie,Rebel, Rebel. What could be nicer?
Small Win 21: End the day with fewer e-mails in the in-box than when you started. Continue to zero.
Small Win 22: Write the opening sentence of your great novel. Now relax and continue tomorrow.
Small Win 23: Write a list before you go into the supermarket. Stick to it. Save money.
Small Win 24: Create a corner where you can sit and write your poetry.
Small Win 25: Sharpen all your pencils for the day while coffee is brewing. Do a 1 minute sketch on the hour every hour. Anything.
Small Win 26: Tidy your top desk drawer.
Small Win 27: Learn 5 new words in the language you are studying: Spanish, Mandarin or Ancient Greek.
Small Win 28: Stop and think.
Small Win 29: 9: Start. Don't worry about anything else. Just start. Start.