Previously on Totally, Totally, Global Inc. Sales are down. Morale is low. Strategy has been neglected. Jo has a breakthrough and develops a saga. Jo finds the first person to join his elite team. The 3 point plan. The Saga begins. Jo recruits Hemel. The plan unfolds. The first team meeting. Jo recruits Mary. Searching for Mission HQ. Finding the perfect spot. Trying to pitch to 'the man'. The man says 'do it!'
Jo walked out of the room stunned, thanked Penny, checking that her latte was OK.
She said perfect and is there a follow-up meeting?
Er, yes he said and gave her the details. She looked concerned: there’ll be a few people unhappy about losing their slots….
Sorry about that added Jo. But thank you.
He slipped up to his roof hideaway. He sat in the shade. And took a breath. What was that about? If he had forecast 60 potential outcomes for that meeting, that would not have been one of them. But of course it was a pretty good one. No: it was close to perfect.
It was clear Tim needed a miracle and he wondered if Jo could deliver…. If Jo could pull that out of the hat: great. And a week should show it. He was so stunned he was not yet feeling good. In such times he had always told himself to keep moving. So, a new action list:
- Confirm property to Frank.
- E-mail to facilities cc Penny.
- Start recruiting and take the team from 3 to 7.
- Text Hemel.
- Text Mary.
- Create full project plan on his white-board by end of day.
- Allow to ‘feel good’.
- Go for long bike ride.
DID you miss mini chapters 1?, 2?, 3?, 4? , 5?, 6?, 7?, 8?, 9?, 10?, 11?, 12? 13?14?, 15?, 16?, 17?, 18?
BONUS: How To Be Brilliant.