Previously on Totally, Totally, Global Inc. Sales are down. Morale is low. Strategy has been neglected. Jo has a breakthrough and develops a saga. Jo finds the first person to join his elite team. The 3 point plan. The Saga begins. Jo recruits Hemel. The plan unfolds. The first team meeting.
With perfect timing Jo reached the ordering point and requested two black Americanos and a lemon and ginger tea, asked for a tray, tapped his Monzo card and collected the beverages.
Hemel and Mary chatted and headed to the lift, to which Jo agreed ‘only because I have a tray of drinks…’
Mary: you know, I’ve never been up here.
Hemel: I’ve been once only for a product launch
Jo: I’m up here a lot. It’s one of my many hideaways. OK guys I want you two. Are you in? I will do the arguing of your case.
They talked some more: Mary in particular had lots of questions. This whole plan was coming together out of nowhere: he loved it. Where were the normal interminable meetings? Nested e-mails? Cascaded PPT slide-decks? Mary and Hemel both left to return to work while he stayed up on the roof. The short-term view was of low rise and car parks but the long term was the valley and the low mountains: this high up you really got perspective. He scanned tomorrow, he cancelled or postponed everything. Everything. How long he could get away with this outrageous behaviour, he had no idea. But it was so much fun at the moment.
Tomorrow was two things
(1) the rest of the team
(2) the off-site base.
DID you miss mini chapters 1?, 2?, 3?, 4? , 5?, 6?, 7?, 8?, 9?