Previously on Totally, Totally, Global Inc. Sales are down. Morale is low. Strategy has been neglected. Jo has a breakthrough and develops a saga. Jo finds the first person to join his elite team. The 3 point plan. The Saga begins. Jo recruits Hemel.
Jo returned in a few minutes with a chicken and vegetable stir-fry and some avocado salad. The catering at Totally was awesome. How long it could continue with continuing revenue short-fall he had no idea…..
Hemel: that’s looks healthy….
Jo: Mmm, so tell me about it….
Hemel: I didn’t really get a word in edge ways. I think I’d have been fired except that’s not really going to help in the short-term; they’ll only have to recruit some one else. And in reality I think Tim does know it’s not about lack of sales effort.
Jo: Absolutely: We always think we only have the sort term. We super focus on it, all hands on deck, pump water like mad and we get through it. We fire people, we squeeze spread-sheets until the pips come out. We relax for one month and then it’s 2 months of hell again. Every quarter. And it just gets worse.
Hemel: a fair analysis. Welcome to my world. ..but what’s to be done?
Jo; we have to break out of the sales dominated mind-set and start running a real business. We have to sell it to the shareholders. Boldly say what is wrong. Ask for their support. I need you to help me with this. I want to do something really radical; a small team, off-site 12 months and turn this company around. And I am willing to get fired over it because if we do it it will be incredible and if we don’t succeed it will have created an incredible team with immense experience which we can take anywhere.
Hemel: love to, Jo. I’m in and I don’t really even know any details at the moment. I can’t go on like this. I haven’t slept properly in months and I can’t keep job hopping to yet more companies who don’t know what the hell they are doing. What’s your plan? Or is it just a vision at the moment? And I don’t mean that rudely.
DID you miss mini chapters 1?, 2?, 3?, 4? , 5?, 6?, 7?