- You've already got a plan. You don't need to wait for January and goal-setting rituals. You have it in draft with measurable objectives and clear milestones. Every day you are refining it, honing it and ensuring it's a winner.
- You are going to be SO fit that energy for that plan will be 100% unleashed. How? Hunter-Gatherer 21C plus The Protocol.
- Zero blame. Zero negativity. Zero crap food.
- Every single problem commentators list for 2017 from Brexit to Trump to Asteroid Collision, you will ask: Can I fix this? If yes, do so. If no, execute your plan B. But stay resourceful, walk tall and love planet Earth: consistently voted the greatest planet in the known universe with great coffee, awesome rock 'n roll and mountains, beaches and deserts to make you want to settle here. And books. Oh, man the books.....Oh and fresh coconut juice...
- It finally 'clicks' that you don't need much stuff-at all-to be very, very happy. And in fact paradoxically too much stuff makes you unhappy as you worry about what might happen if you lose it.
- It finally 'clicks' that you can let go of the need to be liked by everybody. And thus stop diluting the best version of you.
- You manage your mood perfectly through music, walking and writing/reading.
- You finally allow some of those fears to surface, to become real and you work on them until they become assets: from fear to jubilation. Be Bold: the list/the movie/the book.
- You will learn through courses. Invest 2% of your income in your brain.
- You will learn through travel. Every city, every language and every culture tips you deeper into understanding yourself.
- You will learn through the company you keep. Love, listen and laugh not control, control, control.
- You will learn through writing in your journal. Daily: rain or shine. Don't analyse: just write until the demons are exposed and die through lack of oxygen.
- Thinking will return as your greatest asset. Proactive: what do I need to anticipate?
- Lateral: what do I need to do differently?
- Critical: what do I need to do better?
- Prioritisation will be your greatest skill. To follow your Personal Compass*.
- To automate your trivial many*.
- To remember a decision is not a decision until you take an action.
*more detail in Boost your Productivity
Bonus 1: Hunter-Gatherer 21 Century, Two Score & Ten
Bonus 2: 22 Things to do on Planet Earth
Bonus 3: 22 Ways to Feel Better, More of the Time.
Bonus 4: 22 Things They Still Don't Teach You at Business School
Bonus 5: 22 Stupid Things Large Organisations Do
Bonus 6: Slow 22
Bonus 7: The 22 Steps to Getting What You Want in 2016
Bonus 8: The Fundamental Problems with Powerpoint. Still. 22
Bonus 9: 22 Ways to be an Awesome Conference Speaker
Bonus 10: Love Presenting Hate (Badly Used) PowerPoint
Bonus 11: The 22 Fundamental Errors Large Organisations Still Make.
Bonus 12: Brilliant at the Basics of Business
Bonus 13: Routes to Less Stress 22
Bonus 14: That Other F Word
Bonus 15: What's Wrong with The Typical Corporate Selling Machine, 11
Bonus 16: 22 Reasons 79% of any Workforce is Woefully Unproductive
Bonus 17: 22 Ways To Create a Small, Simple, Start-Up.
Bonus 18: 22 Ways to Get Better at Anything
Bonus 19: 22 Routes to Becoming Unstoppable.
Bonus 20: Re-boot 22
Bonus 21: 22 Ways to Better Results at the Gym
Bonus 22: 11 Ways to Fix that Presentation
Bonus 23: 22 Things to do on Vacation
Bonus 24: 11 Things to do in September
Bonus 25: 22 Things to do at Work
Bonus 26: 22 Ways to Reduce Stress
Bonus 27: 22 Things to Learn