61. Driftwood: for your fire, for a sculpture, for your imagination.
62. A job well done.
63. A hot shower after 48 hours hiking and sleeping rough.
64. The Night Sky.
65. Something by Moritz Moszkowski: a composer who understood the piano.
66. Home-made ice cream.
67. A razor sharp Japanese kitchen knife. Slice that fish...
68. First snow fall.
69. A list of 101 things.
70. Well-crafted prose.
Simplest of Pleasures 101:
1-10, including: Books. Stack of wood for the burner. French-press coffee.
11-20, including: Kisses blown to you from across the crowded departure gate.
21-30, including: A well-engineered fountain pen.
31-40, including: The French market and the glory of fresh, local vegetables. And simple French practised.
41-50, including: Conversation and not a phone in sight.
51-60, including: A small Italian town. An ordinary cafe. A spring morning. Fresh bread, unsalted local butter, perfect coffee.