- Focused Attention. This is your greatest asset. It has limited battery power and limited bandwidth. Remove distractions and use it with deliberate intent to meet your goals.
- Ever-increasing Smartness. You have got to be smarter than the robot that wants your job, smarter than a disappearing market and smarter than the guy who hired you. Start here.
- A Portfolio of Project Bs. From your novel to your photography, from your Portuguese to your pottery class, project Bs keep you alert, keep you thinking creatively and may one day become significant revenue earners.
- A Return to Basics. Awesome meetings, engaging presentations and leadership which leads. Get brilliant at the basics.
- Unstoppable energy. M-E-D-S. meditation-exercise-diet-sleep. The details here.
- A New Environment of Minimalism and Simplicity so that not only can you see the wood for the trees, you know where the wood is, you know how many trees there are and why it is daft to keep just cutting down trees when perhaps you should just get out of the wood.
- The ability to take decisions, turn those decisions into actions and see those actions through.