- The 10-year Anniversary iPhone 8 serves barista coffee using Nano Nespresso Pod Protocol.
- At the decadal meeting in the outer reaches of the universe, alien life forms decide to leave human beings alone for another ten years and hope that they accumulate enough wisdom to join the Galactic Peace Federation.
- Self-maintaining e-mail bots delete the final e-mail and reveal to the world it was all a cover designed by human beings to avoid doing any work. They shift their attention to conference calls.
- Matthew Lang opens a bike shop with only very, very, very cool bikes.
- Following its success with bookshops, Amazon opens a range of supermarkets, movie theatres and installs booths in shops where you can listen to music before deciding to download.
- The EU has a closing down sale. Any member can leave for a very small fee.
- Kiefer Sutherland Launches '2'. In an interview with GQ he reveals it is the same concept as 24, it's just that people are a lot busier these days.
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